Assertive-Democratic Parenting

Assertive-democratic parenting strikes a balance between the two former parenting styles and is thus generally considered the most reasonable method to adopt. This style of parenting incentives positive behaviour in children and manages expectations for parents. Read on for our key reasons why this approach to parenting should always be adopted first:

– Assertive-democratic parenting teaches children to think clearly about their behaviour from the outset. From a young age, they are taught to understand their behaviour and to act responsibly as a result.

– Children who are taught in this way also become better at reading social situations. They understand the effect of their behaviour on other people, which is extremely valuable for their early development.

– This style of parenting is based on clear and simple communication between parents and their children. As a result, it can help parents to form a solid relationship of trust with their children from a young age. Your child will feel more secure as a result of knowing exactly what standards of behaviour you expect of them.


– Assertive-democratic parenting promotes an optimistic approach to your child’s behaviour. The theory is to reward children consistently when they behave well, and to try not to focus on negative behaviour. Rather than thinking of negative behaviour as something which should be punished, this parenting style simply encourages more good behaviour rather than preventing the bad.

– In cases of bad behaviour, assertive-democratic parents explain to their children why they are displeased with their behaviour and what the results of their bad behaviour will be on other people. This encourages children to take responsibility for their actions from an early age.

 – Practically speaking, assertive-democratic parents tend to run a more efficient household. This style of parenting allows you and your child to make decisions about the role of each member of the family, and to work together as a team. The strong reward ethos of this parenting style lends itself to incentives for good behaviour, such as star charts and rewards for housework., schoolwork and helping out at home. However, don’t forget that the tasks you set for your child must be easily achievable; you must avoid demoralising your child at all costs.

 Our top tips for implementing assertive-democratic parenting:

– Offer your children choices. Then whole point of this method is to teach them to make reasoned and sensible choices about their behaviour. Offer a choice of what to wear, what to eat and which activity to do, as this encourages your child to take responsibility for what happens to them in their day to day life. The choices you offer should depend on age and ability of your child.

– Allow your children to use their communication skills. Listen to them and engage them in conversation with the same respect as you would give to an adult. Children need to be felt that they are respected for this method of parenting to really work well.

Treat your child as an individual. Never compare siblings to one another and ensure that your focus is on growing and developing each child’s behaviour individually.

Encourage independence by making sure that children are aware of the outcomes of their behaviour and can therefore make reasoned choices in any setting. Giving your child the independence to make decisions on their own will build their self-confidence and provide them with a secure foundation for later life.


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